God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
Almost a month later.
Still. Stories from my New Orleans' trip in my head, came up especially on my driving moments to work.
Story one.
I can't remember who told the story, but the story goes like this.
A man was sitting on top of his roof when his house was covered by water. He prayed to God to save his life. He keeps on praying and praying and finally there was someone came on a boat, asking this man to go with him. He said, no, I am waiting for God to rescue me. And then a helicopter came and he was also offered the same thing. He said, no, I am waiting for God to rescue me. And he died because he stayed on too long without food and he finally was drowned. He went to heaven and ask God, why didn't you rescue me? and God said, well, I sent a boat and a helicopter but you won't go with any of them.
It's funny that sometimes we didn't recognize that God helped people through other people. Sometimes it is easier to give than it is to receive. I had this thought while driving to work yesterday, thinking about how hard it is for me to receive!
Story two.
On the way to New Orleans, twelve hour ride in a van with only limited stops for coffee and food and bathrooms, five of us invented a game. It's our way to wake up when we can't sleep and there was no book to read. We will go around and say one thing we love. It was fun to get to know what my friends love and what could make them happy. Any self-deprecating remarks will cost a dollar! We continue to play the game in the coffee shops and on the way home. It was such an uplifting way to know others and to know ourselves. But, what are specifically does God love? Thinking of this alone could make me burst to tears. God loves ME!
Thinking about stuff.
How much we are dwell on stuff in life. And how God has the power to just throw our stuff away with our way or his way. It's not that he is being mean by doing that, but he wants us to have the fullness of life by focusing our life in him only. Not our stuff. Still, attachment to stuff creates the hurt and pain in our lives. Is there anything, if anything happened, that I could not live without? That stuff should be the first one I let go.
A church was never about the building. A job was never about what you're doing.
Of course I was reading WalkOn:U2 book on the way to and back. This long quote is one of the many things I think God pointed me to:
It was that very flowing tide where Jesus had commanded His disciples to live. Out there where the city gambles. Where no one believes. Out there among the thieves. In the face of abuse and mockery. Where love violently dies. Out there at their daily Calvary, to take up to their crosses and follow. Not to holler but to follow. If only Jesus had said to Peter, "Pray this prayer and withdraw from the world and make sure you preach in every song," He didn't. He said, "Follow me into a daily dynamic of dilemma where they will misunderstand you and castigate you and call you all kinds of things. It'll be messy, and every decision will not always be on the white or black side of gray, but follow me.Get involved. Where I walked.I left Cincinnati being tired and bored with my job, I came back with a renewed passion that God will use us where we are.
About rich people.
I am not sure if this is how I digest information that my bias toward rich people is way too bias. I know this and I have been working to give an equal attention to both side, the rich and the not-rich, in the society. I generalized. I blamed rich people for being rich and for paying less taxes and live in a comfortable life when I know many people cannot afford to buy groceries for the week. I know it is not their fault that they are rich. I know some rich people care, but some do not care to others; the point is, they are people just like other people, and I have failed to recognize that. God knocked me on the head. I went on a trip that is sponsored by the VineyardUSA, almost always located in the suburb, where the rich people live! And we were located right next to the suburban part of New Orleans, Kennard, it's like the West-Chester-like area if it is in Cincinnati. God helped me to open my eyes more, that, He loves all people, regardless income or social status, and He touches all people, including those who might not ever found economic hardship. And He uses the blessing He gave to these rich people to bless others. And at the flood, all areas were damaged, regardless of the demographic population. St. Bernard Parish is one of them, where I saw higher-end residential areas were also empty.
I've been thinking on one side, on the negative note.
When thinking that happiness doesn't come from money, I should also think that being rich is not always easy; each of us has our own problem and I should learn to set aside my bias and leave it at home. Jesus' story about the rich man who asked Him what to do if he wants to go to heaven, and ignore His message that he should give away all his money and follow Him applies here. Their blessings are our blessings too.
The thing about rich people......hmmmmmm.
I know, isn't that so naive of me? God is so good to tell me that I've got to change my attitude to rich people...:)
You know, though Julee, when I think of rich people, the faces that pop up in my head was the Walton family (who obviously own Walmart)...I wonder why :)
I'm the exact opposite. I had to get over my bias of regular Joes who have more money than they know what to do with. And not only people with lots of money, but lots of time. I want to know why they are not down in New Orleans, or at the animal shelter, or the Crisis Pregnancy Center, etc. I want everyone to care about what I care about and everyone to give like I give. But that's not even close to reasonable thinking. Not everyone is at the same place regarding stuff like this - and when I start looking back at other people it becomes apparent to me how many miles to go I have in front of me.
But still! =)
You're my hero!
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