Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Are you opening like a flower? (2)

I just finished the book SexGod:ExploringTheEndlessConnections
by RobBell.

I had a "whooah" moment. It has been a day and I am still having a whoah moment.

There's more to sexuality than just sex. Rob Bell told the story of God's love for us and how sexuality is embedded in our life as human being.

Here's a couple of points I'd like to share:

  1. God and sex is inseparable. God created sex, then sex is a beautiful thing because everything God created is perfect. But God created sex for a reason, and when it is used outside of its purpose, something will be wrong too.
  2. Human being is sexual being, there are two sides of us, having a body (animal) and having a soul (angel), we can't deny ourselves as animal being and we can't deny that we have soul. That's why we have sexual desire but we also seek for meaning. It explains why emptiness came when we "used" sex outside marriage. It explains why life without expressing our sexuality is empty too.
  3. Sex is a mistery; God created it as part of human being to connect with each other. It is more than just "the act of sex" but our entire identity to connect, to feel, to create, to have emotions, to seek for comfort, to sense,
  4. Human being is a free being; God took a risk of giving us freedom, to love Him or not to love Him, to bring hell on earth or to bring heaven on earth. The decision is ours to make.
  5. Relationships, connections, is far bigger than marriage. We can connect with others outside marriage. We can completely become a sexual being even if we're not married; for the people who decided to be single, their connections to others are the expressions of their sexuality, their connection with God is their expressions of sexuality. They are a sexual being and content even if they sleep alone.
  6. Lust equals to lies. Lust promised what it can't deliver. Lust disconnects instead of connects.
  7. Marriage is a unity of a man and a woman. It is a holy unity that reflects the unity between Christ and his church, where submission is mutual, love is the agape kind, and sex is the celebration of the two as sexual beings. A lasting marriage is based on respect. Marriage is a symbol of hope of life on earth, of God's divine plan for us. But marriage is not the end of it. When a person is not married, he/she has the privilege of dedicating his/her life solely to God.
    Making a decision to marry someone is making a decision to be spiritually naked, to trust the other person and to become one with him/her, to decide that one would want to get to know the other person into the depth of the soul and to honor God with their unity.
  8. The biggest sin is not sexual sin. The biggest sin is Pride. But whatever sin I had done, God had forgiven me the moment I open my mouth asking for forgiveness.

I love the style and language of this book, the way it flows, its simplicity, its illustrations and connections. I want to quote the beautiful paragraph this author wrote in the appendices:

"Being fully human is our job. Thinking and laughing and arranging and creating and relating and designing and nurturing and responding and reacting and pondering when googling became a verb and wondering and exploring and meditating an acting and making long list of verbs and calling and taking and feeling and sharing and doubting it this paragraph isever going to end and teaching and learning and jumping on a trampoline and sighing and celebrating and dancing and turning to the person next to you and saying: "This is living."

And I still have a whoah moment. Thank God that I am fully human.

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